Language scratchpad/Romlang scratchpad/Syntax tests
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These sentences were taken from [1].
1 | The sun shines. | Il sul lyčet. |
2 | The sun is shining. | Il sul lyčet. Il sul lyčent eitat. (emphatic) |
3 | The sun shone. | Il sul lyisiot. |
4 | The sun will shine. | Il sul lytrait. |
5 | The sun has been shining. | Il sul lyčivat. Il sul lyis ait. |
6 | The sun is shining again. | Il sul de nuovu lyčet. |
7 | The sun will shine tomorrow. | Il sul deman lytrait. |
8 | The sun shines brightly. | Il sul brellantement lyčet. |
9 | The bright sun shines. | Il sul brillas lyčet. |
10 | The sun is rising now. | Il sul ža suiret. |
11 | All the people shouted. | Tutu il mundu kridot. |
12 | Some of the people shouted. | Alkynai persunai kridorunt. |
13 | Many of the people shouted twice. | Mutai persunai duavič kridorunt. |
14 | Happy people often shout. | Persunai feličei freqentement kridant. |
15 | The kitten jumped up. | Il katetu sautot. |
16 | The kitten jumped onto the table. | Il katetu suvr-alla misa sautot. |
17 | My little kitten walked away. | Miu katetu petinnu fuoras amblot. |
18 | It's raining. | Pluvet. |
19 | The rain came down. | La pluja čeiot. |
20 | The kitten is playing in the rain. | Il katetu ende pluje žukat. |
21 | The rain has stopped. | La pluja parad-se ait. |
22 | Soon the rain will stop. | A briev la pluja parerait-se. |
23 | I hope the rain stops soon. | Eiperu ke la pluja a briev paret-se. |
24 | Once wild animals lived here. | Unu tempr ammala sauvaga ii visurunt. |
25 | Slowly she looked around. | Lentament ella lu ambies viiot. |
26 | Go away! | Parti! |
27 | Let's go! | Alimus! |
28 | You should go. | Alar devrajas. |
29 | I will be happy to go. | Alar filis jeru. |
30 | He will arrive soon. | Ell a briev arriberait. |
31 | The baby's ball has rolled away. | La balla lis bebis fuoras rodlad ait. |
32 | The two boys are working together. | Li du ninni isim lavrant. |
33 | This mist will probably clear away. | Eita nebla probablement klarerait. |
34 | Lovely flowers are growing everywhere. | Lai flurei bellai pertut krešunt. |
35 | We should eat more slowly. | Lencus mangar devrajamus. |
36 | You have come too soon. | Mes briev vent ais. |
37 | You must write more neatly. | Urnajus eikrivr dives. |
38 | Directly opposite stands a wonderful place. | Upuoste direte inu luogu miravle eitat. |
39 | Henry's dog is lost. | Il kane Hembrigis perd eit. |
40 | My cat is black. | Miu katu niru eit. |
41 | The little girl's doll is broken. | La pupa lis fitis petinnis rut eit. |
42 | I usually sleep soundly. | Žendralement kumu ine bebi dormiu. |
43 | The children ran after Jack. | Li ifantei tras Žaqis kurrurunt. |
44 | I can play after school. | Puit eikuola žukar puosu. |
45 | We went to the village for a visit. | Alla villa per ina vizita venumus. |
46 | We arrived at the river. | Al flym arribomus. |
47 | I have been waiting for you. | Per ti aipitad au. |
48 | The campers sat around the fire. | Li kampairi autorn lis fuogis seurunt. |
49 | A little girl with a kitten sat near me. | Ina fita kon in katet žuita mevi seiot. |
50 | The child waited at the door for her father. | La ifas ende porte per su padr aipitot. |
51 | Yesterday the oldest girl in the village lost her kitten. | Jeri la fita veiliima ende ville su katet perdiot. |
52 | Were you born in this village? | Isku en eite ville nakuiti? |
53 | Can your brother dance well? | Isku tuu frader bien dancar puodet? |
54 | Did the man leave? | Isku il womu partet? |
55 | Is your sister coming for you? | Isku tua suorur per ti vienet? |
56 | Can you come tomorrow? | Isku deman venir puodes? |
57 | Have the neighbours gone away for the winter? | Isku li vičini per lu ivern partid ent? |
58 | Does the robin sing in the rain? | Isku il pitruvru ende pluje kantat? |
59 | Are you going with us to the concert? | Isku nuik al končert vais? |
60 | Have you ever travelled in the jungle? | Isku ende žungle mais viagad ais? |
61 | We sailed down the river for several miles. | Abas lis flyvnis enter muuta miila naugamus. |
62 | Everybody knows about hunting. | Tutu il mundu de kacacun sabet. |
63 | On a sunny morning after the solstice we started for the mountains. | En ine mandine sulijade puit sulstic al mont kuvnicomus. |
64 | Tom laughed at the monkey's tricks. | Tomas allus tryikus lis simiis riziot. |
65 | An old man with a walking stick stood beside the fence. | Inu womu veilu kun in baitun per amblacun žuita le siebi eitediot. |
66 | The squirrel's nest was hidden by drooping boughs. | Il nidu lis eikyiris por lus ramus pendentes aikond jerat. |
67 | The little seeds waited patiently under the snow for the warm spring sun. | La sivna petinna sutu le nivi per lu sul kaud lis primaviris pacentement aipitorunt. |
68 | Many little girls with wreaths of flowers on their heads danced around the bonfire. | Muutai fitai petinnai kun kurunas lur flurur suber suif kavdif autorn le fogaire dancorunt. |
69 | The cover of the basket fell to the floor. | Lu kubeil lis čistis al suol čeiot. |
70 | The first boy in the line stopped at the entrance. | Il ninnu primu ende file ende entrade parot-se. |
71 | On the top of the hill in a little hut lived a wise old woman. | Ende čime lis kullinis en ine kabanne ina fivna veila sabia vivivat. |
72 | During our residence in the country we often walked in the pastures. | Dyrant noitris rezidendis ende kampe freqentement endif paityrif amblevamus. |
73 | When will your guests from the city arrive? | Qandu voitri uitadi deis čiudadis arriberent? |
74 | Near the mouth of the river, its course turns sharply towards the east. | Žuita le foči lis flyvnis, kursu al levant agydament žirat. |
75 | Between the two lofty mountains lay a fertile valley. | Enter lif duf montif autif ina valle feile eitavat. |
76 | Among the wheat grew tall red poppies. | Enter le trige la pavavra ruvra auta krevurunt. |
77 | The strong roots of the oak trees were torn from the ground. | Lai raičei fortei lur kerkur deis suolis deitakad fœt. |
78 | The sun looked down through the branches upon the children at play. | Il sul atravers lur ramur lus ifantes ki žukant abas viiot. |
79 | The west wind blew across my face like a friendly caress. | Il ventu punis atravers miis fačis komo ina kareca žentil suflot. |
80 | The spool of thread rolled across the floor. | La bobina filis atravers lis suolis rodlot. |
81 | A box of growing plants stood in the window. | Ina kasa lis plantis ke krešunt ende feneitre eitediot. |
82 | I am very happy. | Muut felič au. |
83 | These oranges are very juicy. | Eitai arančai muut sygusas ent. |
84 | Sea water is salty. | Agua maris salada ait. |
85 | The streets are full of people. | Lai viai plinai persunur sunt. |
86 | Sugar tastes sweet. | Zykr in guit duuč ait. |
87 | The fire feels hot. | Il fuogu kalur ait. |
88 | The little girl seemed lonely. | La fita petinna sole parœt. |
89 | The little boy's father had once been a sailor. | Il pader lis ninnis petinnis ynavič inu marinairu eit avœt. |
90 | I have lost my blanket. | Mia kuberta perd au. |