Language scratchpad

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This page contains languages currently under construction, which have yet to reach a stage where it can get its own article. Most, if not all, of these langauges will be part of either Innocence Seekers or one of its spinoffs.

Old Flefluan

Unlike Modern Flefluan, where much of the inflectional endings have eroded away, Old Flefluan retains distinct endings.


Nouns have five cases and two numbers.

o-stem masculine:

Singular Plural
Nominative -os -oi
Vocative -e -oi
Accusative -on -ūs
Genitive -on
Dative -ūi -obos

o-stem neuter:

Singular Plural
Nominative -on
Vocative -on
Accusative -on
Genitive -on
Dative -ūi -obos


Singular Plural
Nominative -ās
Vocative -ās
Accusative -ān -ās
Genitive -ās -on
Dative -āi -ābos


Note: This is a work in progress

Verbs located at the beginning of a clause (with the exception of the copula) are marked with an -(e)s suffix.

Singular Plural
First Second Third First Second Third
Present berū(s) berī(s) beriti(s) beromos(es) beretes(es) beronti(s)


Singular Plural
First Second Third First Second Third
Present immi(mi) ī(tu) isti(s) mos(nis) stes(wis) senti(s)


While this language is linked to by a number of articles, it is not in the stage where it can get its own article.


Note: This is a work in progress

Lenition is indicated by adding a <h> after the consonant, while voicing replaces the letter with its voiced counterpart.

Vowel digraphs do not indicate diphthongs (which are absent in Flefluan); instead they indicate vowel affection. Hiatus is indicated by an intervocalic <h>.


Nouns have four cases and two numbers. All declensional classes in Old Flefluan have collapsed into one in Modern Flefluan, distinguished only by mutation and gender.

Example declension of map ("son", masculine), without and with definite article:

Singular Plural
Nominative map
em map
ed mhape
Accusative map
em map
ed mapu
Genitive maipi
id mhaipi
em map
Dative maupu
ud mhaupu
ef mapov

Neuter nouns have -a in the nominative/accusative plural instead of -e and -u and also display lenition in the accusative plural. Note that the final -n in the definite article assimilates with the following consonant, in this case becoming -m.

The accusative singular and genitive plural are identical for all nouns. While not shown here, they also show a different form of mutation, voicing (which only affects the voiceless obstruents).

Example declension of ben ("woman", feminine), without and with definite article:

Singular Plural
Nominative ben
em bhen
ed bene
Accusative ben
em ben
ed bene
Genitive beini
id bheini
em ben
Dative beunu
ud bheunu
ef benav


Adjectives (including yn "one") typically take the same declensions as nouns. However, a few adjectives are irregular.

Declension of dau "two", without and with definite article, when combined with a noun beginning with /k/:

Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nominative dau kh-
ed dhau kh-
dui kh-
ed dui kh-
dau kh-
ed dhau kh-
Accusative dau kh-
ed dau kh-
dui kh-
ed dui kh-
dau kh-
ed dhau kh-
Genitive du k-
en du k-
dihu kh-
en dihu kh-
du k-
en du k-
Dative dov k-
ef dov k-
dihav k-
ef dihav k-
dov k-
ef dov k-

Note that tri "three" and peutar "four", despite their irregular feminines tir and peter respectively, decline regularly in the genitive and dative. In the nominative and accusative, they are endingless and do not induce mutation.


Note: This is a work in progress

Verbs located at the beginning of a clause have separate forms (indicated as the first listed form in the below paradigms).

Singular Plural
First Second Third First Second Third
Present beuru

Note that the copula does not have separate sentence-initial forms.


Singular Plural
First Second Third First Second Third
Present im it is moin teu eid

Unnamed language

An unnamed Slavic language. I haven't decided where it will be spoken, but I will reveal it in Innocence Seekers: April Light.


The standard orthography is somewhat similar to Blylandic. Note that there are multiple orthographies for this language.

One important distinction is that syllable-final single nasals actually indicate that the preceding vowel is nasalised. Actual nasal consonants in codas are indicated by doubling the nasal.


Nouns may show consonant mutation in the final consonant of the stem, if said consonant is a coronal or velar consonant. Velars show more extensive mutation.

a-stem nouns

Hard declension:

Singular Dual Plural
Nominative -a -2e -i
Accusative -on -2e -i
Genitive -i -u -
Locative -2e -u -au
Dative -2e -ama -amm
Instrumental -oun -ama -ami
Vocative -o -2e -i

Soft declension:

Singular Dual Plural
Nominative -a -ji -en
Accusative -on -ji -en
Genitive -en -u -
Locative -ji -u -au
Dative -ji -ama -amm
Instrumental -eun -ama -ami
Vocative -o -ji -en

o-stem declension

The second sets of nominative, accusative and vocative endings represent the neuter endings.

Hard declension:

Singular Dual Plural
Nominative -, -o -a, -2e -ji, -a
Accusative -, -o -a, -2e -i, -a
Genitive -a -u -
Locative -2e -u -2eu
Dative -u -oma -omm
Instrumental -umm -oma -i
Vocative -1e, -o -a, -2e -ji, -a

Soft declension:

Singular Dual Plural
Nominative -j, -e -a, -ji -ji, -a
Accusative -j, -e -a, -ji -en, -a
Genitive -a -u -j
Locative -ji -u -jiu
Dative -u -ema -emm
Instrumental -jimm -ema -ji
Vocative -je, -e -a, -ji -ji, -a

i-stem declension


Singular Dual Plural
Nominative - -i -e
Accusative - -i -i
Genitive -i -u -i
Locative -i -u -iu
Dative -i -ma -imm
Instrumental -imm -ma -mi
Vocative -i -i -e


Singular Dual Plural
Nominative - -i -i
Accusative - -i -i
Genitive -i -u -i
Locative -i -u -iu
Dative -i -ma -imm
Instrumental -on -ma -mi
Vocative -i -i -i

ī-stem declension

Singular Dual Plural
Nominative -ji -ji -en
Accusative -on -ji -en
Genitive -en -u -j
Locative -ji -u -au
Dative -i -ama -amm
Instrumental -eun -ama -ami
Vocative -e -i -en

n-stem declension

Singular Dual Plural
Nominative -i, -1en -1enji -1ene, -1ena
Accusative -1enj, -1en -1enji -1enji, -1ena
Genitive -1ene -1enu -1en
Locative -1ene -1enu -1enjiu
Dative -1enji -1enjma -1enjimm
Instrumental -1enjimm -1enjma -1enjmi
Vocative -i, -1en -1enji -1ene, -1ena

However, the noun dzinj ("day") is irregular:

Singular Dual Plural
Nominative dzinj dznji dzne
Accusative dzinj dznji dznji
Genitive dzne dznu dzin
Locative dzne dznu dznjiu
Dative dznji dzinjma dznjimm
Instrumental dznjimm dzinjma dzinjmi
Vocative dzin dznji dzne

nt-stem declension

Singular Dual Plural
Nominative -en -entsi -enta
Accusative -en -entsi -enta
Genitive -ente -entu -ent
Locative -ente -entu -entsiu
Dative -entsi -entsma -entsimm
Instrumental -entsimm -entsma -entsmi
Vocative -en -entsi -enta


There are only two r-stem nouns: matsi ("mother", gen: matere) and datsi ("daughter", gen: datsere). The declension of matsi is below:

Singular Dual Plural
Nominative matsi materi materi
Accusative mater materi materi
Genitive matere materu mater
Locative matere materu materiu
Dative materi materma materimm
Instrumental materiun materma matermi
Vocative matsi materi materi

s-stem declension

Hard declension:

Singular Dual Plural
Nominative -o -1esji -1esa
Accusative -o -1esji -1esa
Genitive -1ese -1esu -1es
Locative -1ese -1esu -1esjiu
Dative -1esi -1esjma -1esjimm
Instrumental -1esjimm -1esjma -1esjmi
Vocative -o -1esji -1esa

Soft declension:

Singular Dual Plural
Nominative -e -1esji -1esa
Accusative -e -1esji -1esa
Genitive -1ese -1esu -1es
Locative -1ese -1esu -1esjiu
Dative -1esi -1esjma -1esjimm
Instrumental -1esjimm -1esjma -1esjmi
Vocative -e -1esji -1esa

u-stem declension

Singular Dual Plural
Nominative - -i -ove
Accusative - -i -i
Genitive -u -ovu -ov
Locative -u -ovu -uu
Dative -ovi -ma -umm
Instrumental -umm -ma -mi
Vocative -u -i -ove

v-stem declension

Singular Dual Plural
Nominative -i -vi -vi
Accusative -uv -vi -vi
Genitive -ve -vu -uv
Locative -ve -vu -vau
Dative -vi -vama -vamm
Instrumental -von -vama -vami
Vocative -i -vi -vi


Standard declension:

Masculine Feminine Neuter
Singular Dual Plural Singular Dual Plural Singular Dual Plural
Nominative -ui -aa -2ii -aa -2ei -ien -oi -2ei -aa
Accusative -ui -aa -ien -oun -2ei -ien -oi -2ei -aa
Genitive -aigo -uu -iu -ien -uu -iu -aigo -uu -iu
Locative -2eimm -uu -iiu -2ei -uu -iiu -2eimm -uu -iiu
Dative -uimu -iima -iimm -2ei -iima -iimm -uimu -iima -iimm
Instrumental -iimi -iima -iimi -oun -iima -iimi -iimi -iima -iimi
Vocative -ui -aa -jii -aa -2ei -ien -oi -2ei -aa

Soft declension:

Masculine Feminine Neuter
Singular Dual Plural Singular Dual Plural Singular Dual Plural
Nominative -jii -aa -jii -aa -jii -ein -ei -jii -aa
Accusative -jii -aa -ein -oun -jii -ein -ei -jii -aa
Genitive -aigo -uu -jiu -ein -uu -jiu -aigo -uu -jiu
Locative -jiemm -uu -jiiu -jii -uu -jiiu -jiemm -uu -jiiu
Dative -uimu -jiima -jiimm -jii -jiima -jiimm -uimu -jiima -jiimm
Instrumental -jiimi -jiima -jiimi -oun -jiima -jiimi -jiimi -jiima -jiimi
Vocative -jii -aa -jii -aa -jii -ein -ei -jii -aa

Comparative declension:

Masculine Feminine Neuter
Singular Dual Plural Singular Dual Plural Singular Dual Plural
Nominative -ei -eisjaa -eisjei -eisjia -eisjii -eisjein -eisjei -eisjii -eisjaa
Accusative -eisjii -eisjaa -eisjein -eisjoun -eisjii -eisjein -eisjei -eisjii -eisjaa
Genitive -eisjaigo -eisjuu -eisjiu -eisjein -eisjuu -eisjiu -eisjaigo -eisjuu -eisjiu
Locative -eisjiemm -eisjuu -eisjiiu -eisjii -eisjuu -eisjiiu -eisjiemm -eisjuu -eisjiiu
Dative -eisjuimu -eisjiima -eisjiimm -eisjii -eisjiima -eisjiimm -eisjuimu -eisjiima -eisjiimm
Instrumental -eisjiimi -eisjiima -eisjiimi -eisjoun -eisjiima -eisjiimi -eisjiimi -eisjiima -eisjiimi
Vocative -eisjii -eisjaa -eisjii -eisjaa -eisjii -eisjein -eisjei -eisjii -eisjaa

This is also a suffix that attaches to the adjective stem, inducing the second palatalisation.

Hard pronominal declension:

Masculine Feminine Neuter
Singular Dual Plural Singular Dual Plural Singular Dual Plural
Nominative - -a -ji -a -2e -i -o -2e -a
Accusative - -a -i -on -2e -i -o -2e -a
Genitive -ogo -ou -2eu -oin -ou -2eu -ogo -ou -2eu
Locative -omm -ou -2eu -oi -ou -2eu -omm -ou -2eu
Dative -omu -2ema -2emm -oi -2ema -2emm -omu -2ema -2emm
Instrumental -2emm -2ema -2emi -oun -2ema -2emi -2emm -2ema -2emi
Vocative -e -a -ji -o -2e -i -o -2e -a

Soft pronominal declension:

Masculine Feminine Neuter
Singular Dual Plural Singular Dual Plural Singular Dual Plural
Nominative -j -a -ji -a -ji -en -e -ji -a
Accusative -j -a -en -on -ji -en -e -ji -a
Genitive -ego -eu -jiu -ein -eu -jiu -ego -eu -jiu
Locative -emm -eu -jiu -ei -eu -jiu -emm -eu -jiu
Dative -emu -jima -jimm -ei -jima -jimm -emu -jima -jimm
Instrumental -jimm -jima -jimi -eun -jima -jimi -jimm -jima -jimi
Vocative -u -a -ji -e -ji -en -e -ji -a


Cardinal numerals

1 edzin
2 dva
3 tre
4 kjetire
5 pents f (pente)
6 sjests f (sjeste)
7 sedm f (sedme)
8 osm f (osme)
9 devents f (devente)
10 desents f (desente, desentsi)

The numeral edzin declines as a hard pronominal, while the following three numerals decline as follows:

2 3 4
Masculine Feminine Neuter Masculine Feminine Neuter Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nominative dva dve dve tre tri tri kjetire kjetiri kjetiri
Accusative dva dve dve tri tri tri kjetiri kjetiri kjetiri
Genitive dvou trii kjetir
Locative dvou triu kjetiriu
Dative dvema trimm kjetirimm
Instrumental dvema trimi kjetirimi
Vocative dva dve dve tre tri tri kjetire kjetiri kjetiri

The higher numerals are all nouns rather than determiners, meaning that the noun to be quantified must be in the genitive plural. The cardinals from 5 to 10 decline identically (although 5 to 9 do not have dual and plural forms).

The following is the declension of desents:

Singular Dual Plural
Nominative desents desentsi desentsi
Accusative desents desentsi desentsi
Genitive desente desentu desent
Locative desente desentu desentsiu
Dative desentsi desentsima desentsimm
Instrumental desentsiun desentsima desentsimi
Vocative desents desentsi desentsi

These form the decades:

20 dve desentsi
30 tri desentsi
40 kjetiri desentsi
50 pents desent
60 sjests desent
70 sedm desent
80 osm desent
90 devents desent

The numeral sto (100) is neuter, and declines as a hard o-stem noun (with an irregular genitive plural sut). The numeral tisenti is feminine, and declines as an ī-stem noun.

Ordinal numerals

1st prvui
2nd vtorui
3rd tretsii (tret-)
4th kjetvrtui
5th pentui
6th sjestui
7th sedmui
8th osmui
9th deventui
10th desentui


Personal pronouns

First Second Reflexive
Singular Dual Plural Singular Dual Plural
Nominative jaz ve mi ti va vi
Accusative men na ni ten va vi sen
Genitive mene nau nas tebe vau vas sebe
Locative mnje nau nas tebe vau vas sebe
Dative mi nama namm tsi vama vamm sji
Instrumental mnoun nama nami toboun vama vami soboun
Possessive moi nasj tvoi vasj svoi


The copula bitsi conjugates as follows:

Singular Dual Plural
First Second Third First Second Third First Second Third
Present emm esji ests esve esta este esumo este sonts
Future bondon bondesj bondets bondeve bondeta bondete bondemo bondete bondonts
Imperfect biau biasje biasje biauve biasjeta biasjete biaumo biasjete biaun
Aorist biu bi bi biuve bista biste biumo biste bisjen
Imperative bondi bondi bondeve bondeta bondete bondemo bondete bondon
Masculine Feminine Neuter
Present si sontsi si
Future bondi bondontsi bondi
Past biv biva bivo
Resultative bil bila bilo
Other non-finite forms
Infinitive bitsi
Supine bit
Verbal noun bitse

Unlike the copula, most verbs may be classed either as imperfective or perfective. Imperfective verbs lack an aorist, while perfective verbs lack an imperfect. Also unlike the coupla, most verbs lack a future.

The following is an example conjugation of bratsi ("to bear"):

Singular Dual Plural
First Second Third First Second Third First Second Third
Present beron beresji berets bereve bereta berete beremo berete beronts
Imperfect brau braasje braasje brauve braasjeta braasjete braumo braasjete braun
Aorist (po-)brau (po-)bra (po-)bra (po-)brauve (po-)brasta (po-)braste (po-)braumo (po-)braste (po-)brasjen
Imperative beri beri bereve bereta berete beremo berete beron
Active Participles
Masculine Feminine Neuter
Present beri berontsi beri
Past brav brava bravo
Resultative bral brala bralo
Passive Participles
Masculine Feminine Neuter
Present beromm beroma beromo
Past brann brana brano
Other non-finite forms
Infinitive bratsi
Supine brat
Verbal noun branje

The po- prefix is the general prefix used to form perfective verbs from imperfective verbs.


Word order is generally free, although an SV and SO order is preferred.

Normally copulative complements are in the nominative case and direct objects are in the accusative case. However, if a clause is negated, both must be in the genitive case:

  • X-NOM [is] Y-NOM (positive, copulative)
  • X-NOM [does] Y-ACC (positive, action)
  • X-NOM [is here] (positive, existential)
  • X-NOM [is not] Y-GEN (negative, copulative)
  • X-NOM [does not do] Y-GEN (negative, action)
  • X-GEN [is not here] (negative, existential)

Unnamed language #4

See /Unnamed langauge 4


See /Altlangs