Nodaimic Languages Swadesh lists

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This page lists the Swadesh lists for the Nodaimic languages. The Swadesh list used for this compilation is taken from the 207-word composite list used by Wiktionary.

Unless otherwise indicated, all nouns and verbs are given in their root forms (for nouns, the nominative case and for verbs, the stem without any suffixes).

Note: These lists are incomplete.


No English Proto-Nodaimic Proto-Continental Nodaimic Proto-Northern Nodaimic Proto-Eastern Nodaimic Proto-Higelan
1 I *óiki *óik *óik *óik *áiki
2 thou *búep *búep *búp *búep *búap
3 he *látu *lát *lát *lót *látu
4 we *ójagi *ójeg *óīg *ójeg *ájagi
5 you *búegi *búig *búg *búig *búagi
6 they *láigi *láig *lég *láig *láigi
7 this
8 that
9 here
10 there
11 who
12 what
13 where
14 when
15 how
16 not *ne *ne *ni *ne *na
17 all
18 many
19 some
20 few
21 other
22 one *húft *hút *húf *húft *húpt
23 two *gʷálo *bálo *gʷálu *gálo *gála
24 three *akʷált *apál *kʷált *akált *akáit
25 four *kásitī *késti *kásti *kést *kásite
26 five *wikír *ukír *ukír *ykír *wikír

See Also