The Celestial Trio refers to a group of three magical girls, representing the sun, moon and stars. The concept was first conceived by Mutsuki Miyana in Innocence Seekers: The Silver Princess to describe the three main characters, and the name is used in some form in every subsequent entry involving a member of the Miyana family. The assignment of each magical girl to each theme is largely arbitrary, with the exception being that a member of the Miyana family always represents the moon.
Known groups
Innocence Seekers: The Silver Princess
Cecilia Element: Light, Ice Magic colour: White
Mutsuki Miyana Element: Fire Magic colour: Red
Linda Laudigsdutter Element: Thunder Magic colour: Yellow
Innocence Seekers: Akari of the Light
Akari Kuritani Element: Fire, Light Magic colour: Orange
Yayoi Miyana Element: Wind, Thunder Magic colour: Green
Mirai Aooka Element: Earth, Wood Magic colour: Blue
Innocence Seekers: April Light
Tamaki Urushibayashi Element: Water, Fire, Light Magic colour: Pink
Uzuki Miyana Element: Thunder Magic colour: Yellow
Miho Koyanagi Element: Ice, Earth, Darkness Magic colour: Purple
Innocence Seekers: New World Revolution
Olivia Benson Element: Fire Magic colour: Yellow
Satsuki Miyana Element: Ice Magic colour: Cyan
Naomi Otohane Element: Thunder, Light Magic colour: Pink
Innocence Seekers: The Flower Bud of the Blue Sky
Hinako Higashinomiya Element: Fire Magic colour: Red
Hazuki Miyana Element: Wind, Wood Magic colour: Green
Miu Kurosawa Element: Ice, Light Magic colour: Blue