Author: admin
Innocence Seekers: Akari of the Light – Battle system test (current progress, part 2)
This is my second post detailing my progress in developing the battle system test. So far, I’ve just started creating the battle interface, and I’ve begun the player panel. The player panel is an important part of the battle interface, as it holds the most important information on the state of the party.
Innocence Seekers: Akari of the Light – Battle system test (current progress)
Over the past few days, I have been working on the battle system test for Innocence Seekers: Akari of the Light, and this blog post will document my progress up to now. Right now, it’s far from complete; I haven’t even started on actually implementing battles. But I’ve set up the skeleton of what will…
Innocence Seekers: Akari of the Light – Battle system
For this post I will talk about the battle system to be used in Innocence Seekers: Akari of the Light. I have opted against a traditional JRPG turn-based battle system, as I don’t like the idea of having to give orders at the start of a turn only for the enemy to potentially go first…
Innocence Seekers: Akari of the Light – Families
In this blog post, I will mention the families of the playable characters of Innocence Seekers: Akari of the Light. It is important to keep in mind that these girls aren’t fighting alone; they have the support of everyone close to them (I’m not making a grimdark story, you know). As such, I was thinking…
Innocence Seekers: The Black Rose – Future plans
For this blog post I will mention some of the plans I have for Innocence Seekers: The Black Rose. Because of the scope of the entire saga, it’ll take me a while to finish the story for the entire saga. However, I have some plans for the entire saga, as well as some of its…
Off-topic post: Manga reviews and discussion
For this post I will be talking about some of the manga I’ve taken an interest to. Due to the fact that not much manga I’m interested in are licensed in my region, I’m often forced to either import them or read them on less-than-trustworthy sites. There are even more problems if the manga I’m…
Innocence Seekers: Akari of the Light Character Introduction – Inori Akagawa
This will be my final bio for Innocence Seekers: Akari of the Light, as there will only be eight playable characters for the game. The final playable character is Inori. Now that the characters’ bios are posted, I will focus on developing the battle system to be used for the game.
Innocence Seekers: Akari of the Light Character Introduction – Mizuki Kuwaumi
Over the next few weeks, I will be posting bios for the characters of Innocence Seekers: Akari of the Light, an entry of Innocence Seekers: The Black Rose. It has been a while since I posted the last bio. This time, I will be mentioning the seventh of the playable characters, Mizuki.
Off-topic post: Anime I watched and am watching (fifth post)
This will be another off-topic post detailing the anime I’m watching. I will be mentioning some of the anime airing this season, as well as some of the anime airing the next season. These include things such as my thoughts on the anime, as well as my level of interest in them. Because it is…
First general post
This post will be my first general post, which will detail what I have been doing, and the plans I have for the near future. This includes things such as Innocence Seekers and my side projects, but also things unrelated to them, such as anime and manga.