Author: admin
Innocence Seekers: The Black Rose – Datutan, a Donsilan language
This post will focus on one of the Donsilan languages I have in development. Datutan is the principal common language of the pendant holders and Alcea, and shares a great resemblance with the Indo-European languages (see my previous post for the reason). While it is still in its infancy, I can mention some things here.
Innocence Seekers: The Black Rose – Overview of the Donsilan languages
This post will go over the languages spoken by the Donsilans. By nature, the Donsilan languages have more grammatical “complexity” than human languages, making them rather difficult to learn for humans. In addition, Donsilan languages change little over the years (for the common language of the pendant holders, the writing system used can easily be…
Off-topic post: Anime and manga discussion (sixth post)
With September coming to an end, I felt like posting something, anything, on this blog for the month. This will be my sixth post on anime and manga, and I find it fitting to post this at this time, given the transition to a new anime season.
Innocence Seekers: The Black Rose – Episode 49 of April Light is delayed
I had planned to release the first episode of the fourth chapter of Innocence Seekers: April Light sometime around August 24, but due to the death of my grandmother I have decided to delay the release of this episode. The episode’s release date has been pushed back to early or mid September, and I plan…
Off-topic post: My new computer
While I have been working on my projects, including Innocence Seekers, in the last few weeks, this post will go over something different. Over the past few months, I have been gathering parts to build a replacement for my aging machine, and in the past few days, the last parts I needed arrived.
Off-topic post: Anime and manga discussion (fifth post)
This will be my fifth post on anime and manga, and I will make it a quick post. This season, I have only picked up one anime, but there are a number of anime I’m considering for the following season.
Innocence Seekers: The Black Rose – Upper monograde and bigrade verbs in Namari
This post will detail two particular categories of Namari verbs. One thing I noticed when going through Japanese verbs is that there are only a small number of upper vowel-stem verbs (ending in -iru) compared to their lower counterparts (ending in -eru). As such, I will analyse each Japanese upper vowel-stem verb and see if…
Innocence Seekers: The Black Rose – Episode 48 of April Light is released
Just now I have released episode 48 of Innocence Seekers: April Light, thus ending the third chapter. You can read it on the wiki here. I currently have no exact timeline on when I will begin the next chapter, but I plan to do so sometime in late July or early August.
Innocence Seekers: The Black Rose – A sneak peek at chapter 4 of April Light
I am close to finishing the final episode of the third chapter of Innocence Seekers: April Light, but this blog post will show a few of the plans I have regarding the next chapter. It will be largely set on Elrodom, and follows the pattern of the previous two chapters, both of which involve searching…
New side project: Five to Save the World
While I’m still working on Innocence Seekers: April Light (I hope to have the final episode of chapter 3 finished by the end of June), I’ve decided to take the time to announce a new side project. What is unique about this project is that it will actually be entirely written in Namari. Its title…